HAKUSAN, ISHIKAWA—Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (CEO Shogo Nakamura) is excited to announce that, starting with shipments in December 2024, a new feature called ‘Oscillation Threading’ will be introduced as part of Nakamura-Tome’s chip-breaking technology, Oscillation Cutting. While Oscillation Cutting has previously been effective for external and internal turning operations, this new feature will extend its benefits to threading applications as well.
Oscillation Threading
This is a chip-breaking feature using oscillation motions in thread cutting.

Title:【New】Chip Breaking Function for Threading “Oscillation Threading”
Installable Machine Models

*Only machines with a linear guide on the X-axis can be installable.
*The Super NTJ can only be installed on the lower turret
Development background
Due to the nature of the cutting method, threading processes often result in long chips. This can be particularly problematic with difficult-to-machine materials such as stainless steel and aluminum, where chips can become tangled. Inadequate chip handling poses significant challenges for automation. Therefore, a feature that enables chip breaking by oscillating the X-axis during threading has become essential.
Oscillation Threading Operation
Oscillation Threading can be activated in the desired section of the threading program by specifying the start and end of oscillation using G8.5 and parameters.
Threading programs
G8.5 P0; ・・・Oscillation Threading OFF
P4:Turn on the servo-learning oscillation threading mode
P0:Turn off the servo-learning oscillation threading mode
I:Oscillation frequency ratio
K:Oscillation amplitude ratio
The following parameters are used only for the threading cycle.
Q:Thread X-coordinate
R:Thread Finish X-coordinate
The following is only used for non-perpendicular infeed during the threading cycle.
J:Z-coordinate of thread finishing process start
A:Angle of thread cutting edge (thread)
・Capable of breaking chips.
・Easily used within the standard G92 cycle.
・Applicable for G76 combined threading cycles.
・Applicable for tapered threads, PT, PF, and multi-start threads.
・Allows for simple On/Off switching through a straightforward program.
・Both Oscillation Cutting and Oscillation Threading can be used on the same machine.
・Usable across systems, such as using the Upper turret for both L-side and R-side operations.
Ask Nakamura-Tome
【Corporate Information】
Business details: Multitasking machine, combined precision CNC lathe
Company: Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Address: Ro 15, Netsuno, Hakusan city, Ishikawa, 920-2195 Japan
Established: December, 1960
Website: https://www.nakamura-tome.com
Business details: Multitasking machine, combined precision CNC lathe
Sales Marketing Section, Sales Promotion Department
Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.