HAKUSAN, ISHIKAWA – Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd. (CEO Shogo NAKAMURA) added a new screen for the Oscillating Cutting to NT SmartX! This screen makes it easier to set the frequency multiplier I and amplitude multiplier K. This screen is from FANUC.
By changing the arguments, can the chips be broken up? What is the maximum chip length? What is the theoretical surface roughness? Before machining, it is possible to know answers to these questions. This allows for smooth setting without relying on trial and error after machining or relying on PC software.
Please refer to the following YouTube video explaining this screen by our CEO Shogo Nakamura. We have also included a movie of oscillating cutting with a taper and oscillating cutting with a resin.
We hope you enjoy it.
Youku for viewers in mainland China: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTkwNTQzNzkxMg==.html
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【Corporate Information】
Company: Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Address: Netsuno 15, Hakusan city, Ishikawa, 920-2195 Japan
Established: December, 1960
Website: https://www.nakamura-tome.co.jp
Business details: Multitasking machine, combined precision CNC lathe
Sales Promotion Department
Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.